7.3.4 (2025-03-03)
- Fixed an issue where the landing page was displayed after capturing.
- Fixed an issue where the window title was broken.
7.3.3 (2025-03-01)
- Fixed an issue where the multi window shows misaligned or partially rendered.
7.3.2 (2025-02-27)
- Fixed an issue where the program occasionally became unresponsive.
- Updated full-screen recording to exclude the recording toolbar from the captured video.
- Improved the New menu to retain user-defined colors.
- Fixed an issue in the Save All where only unsaved images are now properly saved.
- Other minor bug fixes
7.3.1 (2025-02-04)
- Fixed a bug where the program did not start on a specific computer.
7.3.0 (2025-02-03)
- Improved screen recorder stability.
- Optimized PicPick editor for faster loading time.
- Fixed a bug where the printer settings failed to load when no paper sources were available.
7.2.9 (2024-11-08)
- Improved screen recorder compatibility.
- Fixed an issue where sharing image URLs was not functioning properly.
7.2.8 (2024-02-23)
- Fixed an issue where sharing image URLs was not functioning properly.
7.2.7 (2024-02-13)
7.2.6 (2024-02-09)
- Fixed a bug where the countdown displays a negative value when the capture key was pressed repeatedly.
- Fixed a bug where the capture size would be slightly off when adjusted with the mouse in the fixed region capture mode.
7.2.5 (2023-11-14)
- Fixed a bug where printer source and color settings were not being set as default printer settings.
- Fixed several bugs related to fixed region capture.
- Fixed a bug that caused the scroll bar position to reset when changing the canvas size.
- Added missing Fullscreen button on the View tab.
7.2.3 (2023-10-04)
- Fixed an issue where the capture area didn't cover the entire screens on the multiple monitor environment.
- Fixed an issue where some of the key tips were missing on the image editor.
- Fixed an issue where the border on fixed region capture was hidden when arrow keys were pressed.
7.2.2 (2023-08-02)
- Fixed an issue of default file format when saving an image
- Improved a performance of fixed region capture
- Fixed an issue of displaying a recording limit popup
- Print Preview displays a whole page by default
- Support Per-Monitor (V2) DPI Awareness
- Added Window Capture button on the Capture Toolbar
- Added an option to disable recent opened images
7.2.0 (2023-06-03)
- Added Window Capture
- Screen Recorder can now record multiple audio inputs
- Added Customize option of Quick Access Toolbar
- Enhanced printing feature
- Improved printing and preview result quality
- Added image scaling options
- Improved header/footer and margin settings
- Enhanced PDF export
- Added a feature to restore all settings to default
- Fixed an issue of failing auto-save after reaching the maximum limit
- Fixed an issue of file name converting to ignore case when opening an image
- Fixed multiple files not opening on the image editor
- added a new keyboard shortcut for save as (Ctrl + Shift + S)
- added keyboard shortcuts in Whiteboard
7.1.0 (2023-02-24)
- Improved opening an image from a URL
- Added a color picker on More Colors window
- Fixed a white outline issue when adding text on the arrow or line
- Fixed an issue where the text tool cannot select a specific size
- Allow license activation without admin privileges
- Added Ctrl+F1 shortcut key to minimize the Ribbon
- Use a secure connection when checking or downloading the software update
7.0.2 (2022-12-23)
- Fix an issue where the shape outline style option was not displayed
- Fix a text rendering bug on the line and arrow.
- Fix an issue where the Ctrl+T shortcut does not work in the image editor
7.0.1 (2022-11-21)
- Added an option to display shape gallery in the Ribbon by default
- Improved icons in Quick Access Toolbar
- Fixed the selection tool doesn't scroll when dragging a large area.
- Fixed an issue when closing a Screen Recorder while recording.
- Other minor bug fixes
7.0.0 (2022-11-14)
- Improved Screen Capture Interface
- Added Time Delay Options (3, 5, 10 seconds)
- Added an option to darken outside of the selection
- Added an option to display grid lines on the magnifier
- Improved fixed rectangle capture
- Improved scrolling window capture
- Improved capture options menu
- Support better per-monitor DPI awareness mode
- Added Screen Recorder menu on the screen capture mode
- Fixed a freezing issue while capturing
- Added Open Recent Files / Folders menu on the main screen
- Added Show Widget button on the main screen
- Added Select Size menu on Screen Recorder
- Improved program loading performance
- Fixed FTP connection issues
- Fixed an issue when clicking a icon on Notification Area
6.3.2 (2022-10-15)
- Improved loading performance
- Language Updates
6.3.1 (2022-08-10)
- Hotfix: Fixed an issue of taskbar on Windows 7.
6.3.0 (2022-08-08)
- Support multiple desktop on Windows 10, 11
- Added Start/Stop hotkey on Screen Recorder
- Improved watermark effects
- Improved frame effects
- Improved Whiteboard
- Fixed an issue of "Flatten All" menu
- Fixed an issue where the "Repeat Capture" was not working as expected.
- Fixed the Color Palette beeps on close
- Language updates
6.2.1 (2022-06-27)
- Hotfix: Fixed unicode/multibyte error message when starting a screen recorder
6.2.0 (2022-06-24)
- Added Screen Recorder
- Record your desktop screen
- Support saving as MP4 or animated GIF
- Support recording fullscreen or region
- Add microphone or system sound while recording
- Support adjusting video and audio quality
- Improved calculating scrolling size
- Fixed the program options are reset when changing the menu
6.1.2 (2022-05-16)
- Improved capturing a scrolling window
- Fixed auto-save process time takes longer under certain circumstances
- Fixed a taskbar icon not being hidden on capture mode
- Fixed an issue when pasting an image on the image editor
- Fixed magnifier being disappeared after changing the fixed region size
- Language Updates
6.1.1 (2022-04-14)
- Hotfix: Fixed hotkeys don't work on Windows startup
6.1.0 (2022-04-12)
- Support new image file formats (webp, heic, and etc...)
- Improved a performance of loading Program Options
- Improved handling of a transparent fill color on shapes
- Improved saving an image as PDF
- Fixed an issue of program is not started after installation
- Fixed a clicking issue of notification area
- Fixed auto-save filename issues
- Improved software installation process
- Small known bugs were fixed.
6.0.0 (2022-03-08)
- Rebuilt UI with completely redesigned look and feel.
- Support Dark Mode
- Improved loading performance
- Fixed UI issues on high-DPI devices
- Improved Image Editor
- Improved Cloud sharing features
- Improved FTP upload feature
- Improved Widget
- Improved Whiteboard
- Small known bugs were fixed.
5.2.1 (2022-01-06)
- Fixed UI glitches on high-DPI devices
- Added more key tips on the main menu
- Language updates
5.2.0 (2021-11-19)
- Better support for high-DPI devices
- Language updates
5.1.9 (2021-10-13)
- Fixed a capturing issue on Windows 11
- Added macOS hotkeys
- Language updates
5.1.8 (2021-09-07)
- Fixed a capturing issue on Windows 11
- Language updates
5.1.7 (2021-07-25)
- Fixed file name is invalid message
- Removed a signature on email output for pro version
- Language updates
5.1.6 (2021-06-04)
- Fixed capturing issue on the windows 10
- Language updates
5.1.5 (2021-03-31)
- Fixed software security vulnerability
- Language updates
5.1.4 (2021-01-18)
- Fixed occasional freezing on Windows 10
- Language updates
5.1.3 (2020-11-16)
- Fix scroll capture issues on Chrome and Edge
- Language updates
5.1.2 (2020-09-23)
- Fix an issue on high-DPI devices
- Language updates
5.1.1 (2020-06-10)
- Fix an issue on multi monitor environment.
- Fix the update window is not closed on program start
5.1.0 (2020-06-09)
- Better support for high-DPI devices
- Fix the magnifier is too small on specific devices
5.0.7 (2019-11-18)
- Fixed capturing issue on the windows 10
5.0.6 (2019-07-30)
- Fixed an issue that application menu is disabled
- Added Close All on the tab popup menu
5.0.5 (2019-07-25)
- Improved editor performance
- Added more key tips on the main menu
- Language updates
- Other minor bug fixes
5.0.4 (2019-04-05)
- Fixed capturing issue on the windows 10
- Fixed keytip confliction
- Language updates
- Other minor bug fixes
5.0.3 (2018-11-13)
- Added more icons on Quick Access Toolbar
- Fixed occasional access violation error
- Language updates
- Other minor bug fixes
5.0.2 (2018-07-30)
- Fixed occasional keyboard issue when capturing
- Fixed Number Stamp bug
- Fixed DPI text error on ruler
- Language updates
- Other minor bug fixes
5.0.1 (2018-07-09)
- Added Widget Lock feature
- Fixed Magnifier Cursor bug
- Back to main after printing
- Fixed an issue of copy and paste shape between tabs
- Language updates
- Other minor bug fixes
5.0.0 (2018-06-25)
- Rebuilt Application with completely re-designed look.
- Support high-DPI devices (including 4K).
- Support DPI per monitor on Windows 10.
- Improved Image Editor.
- Added Capture Toolbar.
- Support Theme Colors across the image editor and color palette.
- Small known bugs were fixed.
4.2.8 (2017-11-18)
- Fixed freezing on Windows 7 classic theme
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.7 (2017-10-23)
- Fixed capturing issue on the latest windows 10 update (1709)
- Added Norwegian language
4.2.6 (2017-08-17)
- Fixed an issue of creating multiple color picker window
- Fixed shortcut issue
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.5 (2017-06-20)
- Improved Font Feature
- Improved fixed rectangle capture
- Fixed an issue of saving wordwrap setting
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.4 (2017-04-06)
- Added Zoom shortcut (numpad)
- Fixed imgur uploading issue with accounts
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.3 (2017-02-15)
- Fixed keytip confliction
- Fixed printer setting issue
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.2 (2016-12-08)
- Improved Text Tool
- Fixed ‘&’ character drawing issue
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.1 (2016-09-30)
- Added Auto flatten shapes
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.0 (2016-08-26)
- Auto update (pro edition only)
- Improved program stability
- Fixed an issue of Whiteboard
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.6 (2016-08-09)
- Updated canvas presets
- Fixed a bug of selection tool
- Fixed a bug of Printer Options
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.5 (2016-06-24)
- Fixed an issue of ‘flatten all’
- Fixed an issue of adding text
- Fixed an issue of cursor visibility
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.4 (2016-05-20)
- Added Japanese language
- Fixed an issue on Japanese windows
- Fixed an issue of bugs on dual environment.
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.3 (2016-04-08)
- Fixed an error of Imgur upload
- Fixed an issue of scrolling capture
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.2 (2016-03-08)
- Support Imgur upload
- Fixed an issue of color palette
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.1 (2016-01-19)
- Fixed an issue of invalid certification
4.1.0 (2016-01-19)
- Fixed an issue of Google Drive and Twitter
- Improved Stability on WIndows 10
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.9 (2015-12-17)
- Improved cloud uploader
- Fixed an issue of uploading to facebook
- Fixed an issue of auto update
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.8 (2015-10-17)
- Improved copying and pasting of shapes
- Fixed cursor issues of image editor
- Fixed hint issues of Image editor
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.7 (2015-08-26)
- Enhanced supporting Windows 10
- Fixed Whiteboard shape issues.
- Fixed an issue of auto-saving to dropbox folder
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.6 (2015-06-19)
- Fixed Color Palette bugs on Windows 8
- Fixed pixelate preview bugs
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.5 (2015-04-27)
- Fixed an issue when inserting an image to MSWord
- Fixed an issue of shape properties
- Fixed an issue of HSB color
- Added large Text Box button to ribbon
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.4 (2015-03-05)
- Fixed an issue of auto-frame setting
- Fixed Color Palette bugs
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.3 (2015-01-21)
- Fixed an issue of auto-frame
- Fixed an issue of auto-watermark
- Fixed an issue of auto-save
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.2 (2014-12-18)
- Added Azerbaijan language
- Fixed an issue of high dpi monitor
- Minor bugs are fixed
4.0.1 (2014-11-15)
- Added Share Tab
- Added an option to exit when closing Image Editor
- Added Open File Location in tab menu
- Added default program mode
- Added Triangle Shape
- Improved Widget (Capture Bar)
- Fixed an issue of color palette on Windows 8.1
- Fixed an issue of repeat last capture
- Fixed mouse cursor issues
- Fixed an issue of box.com connection
4.0.0 (2014-10-25)
- No bundle offer in the free version
- Improved Ribbon Interface
- Improved Selection Tool
- Improved Text Tool
- Added Stamps
- Added Magnify Effect
- Added Color Replacement Fill
- Improved Capture Bar
- Improved Color Palette
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.4.1 (2014-08-26)
- No bundle offer in the free version
- Fixed an issue of dpi virtualization on windows 8.1
- Fixed an issue of default shortcut on German Windows
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.4.0 (2014-08-02)
- New interface with new style of Ribbon
- Improved DPI Awareness
- Improved Quick Access Toolbar
- Improved Windows 8 compatibility
- Added an option to customize ribbon menu
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.4 (2014-06-27)
- Added an option to change color code to lowercase
- Fixed an issue of memory leak while capturing
- Fixed an issue of whiteboard color selector
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.3 (2014-05-03)
- Fixed an issue of uploading dropbox
- Fixed an issue of whiteboard
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.2 (2014-03-22)
- Fixed an issue of twitter upload
- Added clipboard shortcuts (Shift+Del, Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ins)
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.1 (2014-02-15)
- Improved Scrolling capture
- Improved Whiteboard
- Fixed an issue of google chrome scrolling capture
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.0 (2014-01-16)
- New Feature : Sharing Cloud Storage Service
- Added Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box Connect
- Improved Facebook Album Connect
- Fixed an issue of drawing shapes
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.9 (2013-12-09)
- Fixed an issue of Facebook Connect
- Fixed an issue of Send to Skype
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.8 (2013-10-07)
- Added Facebook Connect
- Added Watermark sample images
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.7 (2013-08-28)
- Added Watermark (image logo) feature
- Fixed an issue of image editor on Windows XP
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.6 (2013-06-22)
- Added Vietnamese language
- Improved PNG file load
- Fixed an issue of drawing scrollbars in image editor
- Fixed an issue of undo rotation, flip
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.5 (2013-05-20)
- Fixed an issue of Save All
- Fixed an issue of Windows 8 compatibility
- Fixed an issue of Send to Skype
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.4 (2013-04-06)
- Added Output “Send to Skype”
- Fixed an issue of Ruler location on dual environment.
- Fixed an issue of Capture Bar location
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.3 (2013-03-04)
- Fixed an issue of preset of highlight rectangles.
- Fixed an issue of ribbon interface design
- Fixed an issue of message “Invalid Pointer Operation”
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.2 (2013-01-25)
- Added preset of highlight rectangles.
- Added Thai language
- Fixed an issue of displaying icons
- Fixed an issue of file type associations
- Fixed an issue of redo
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.1 (2012-12-26)
- Added Highlight Pen and Rectangle in image editor
- Fixed an issue of file naming “(2)”
- Fixed an issue of auto-save function.
- Fixed an issue of scroll-bar size in Image Editor
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.0 (2012-11-26)
- The faster the lighter on your computer.
- New interface : the latest style of ribbon interface
- Added DPI Awareness (Support 125%, 150% and more)
- Improved Windows 8 compatibility
- Improved Tab-interface in image editor
- Improved Screen Pixel Ruler
- Improved Screen Protractor
- Improved Auto-save function
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.9 (October 15, 2012)
- Fixed an issue of inserting texts in Image editor
- Fixed an issue of scroll capture
- Fixed an issue of captured window
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.8 (September 10, 2012)
- Support imgur upload
- Fixed an issue of displaying taskbar icons
- Added Portuguese (Portugal)
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.7 (August 7, 2012)
- Improved Region Capture
- Fixed an issue of ribbon interface bug.
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.6 (June 22, 2012)
- Fixed an issue of bugs on dual environment.
- Added Bosnian Language
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.5 (May 19, 2012)
- Added an option of copying a selection using Ctrl in Image Editor
- Added an undo option when automatically apply frames
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.4 (April 21, 2012)
- Added Start Page in Image editor
- Fixed an issue of connecting Twitter
- Fixed thumbnail bugs
- Fixed an issue of unexpected flashing on taskbar
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.3 (March 23, 2012)
- Support Windows Pen and Touch (BETA)
- Added Hebrew language
- Fixed Ruler toggle problem
- Fixed Ctrl+Tab problems in Image editor
- Added wheel click action in Image editor
3.1.2 (February 11, 2012)
- Added %u, %w in File-name template
- Fixed Active Window Capture bug on Windows Vista/7
- Fixed specific window capture bug on Windows Vista/7
- Default hotkeys have been changed
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.1 (January 23, 2012)
- Fixed Color Balance gaugebar bugs
- Fixed Capture scroll window bug
- Does not support min.us anymore
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.0 (December 16, 2011)
- Added : Color Balance Function
- Fixed Color Palette bugs in an image editor
- Fixed errors after changing FTP settings
- Language updates
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.0.9 (November 1, 2011)
- Language updates
- Fixed : Image rotation bugs
- Fixed : Invalid selection area message
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.0.8 (September 24, 2011)
- Added : Lithuanian language
- Added : Greek language
- Added : Slovak language
- Fixed : Save All display bugs
- Fixed : System tray problems
- Fixed : Min.us connection problems
- Fixed : Save button action problems
- Minor bugs are fixed
3.0.7 (August 24, 2011)
- Added: Save All opened images into a folder
- Added: Croatian language
- Fixed: JPEG Quality configuration bugs
- Fixed: Auto Save bug
- Language updates
3.0.6 (July 25, 2011)
- Added : JPEG Quality Configuration
- Added : Indonesian language
- Fixed : Capture Window bugs
- Fixed : Drawing Line, Arrow bugs
- Fixed : Add Frame bugs
- Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.5 (June 29, 2011)
- Added : Show Capture Bar when Program Starts
- Fixed : [Save Selection As] Bug
- Fixed : Capture Delay bug
- Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.4 (May 6, 2011)
- Improved Fixed Region Capture
- Fixed : Invalid Pointer Operation Bug
- Fixed : Print Preview bugs
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.3 (April 9, 2011)
- Improved Windows Control Capture
- Added Delay before capture
- Improved Upload to Web function
- Fixed : Print Preview bugs
- Language updates
- Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.2 (March 11, 2011)
- Supports PSD, PCX, PDF and many other image formats.
- Improved image resizing quality
- Fixed : Image hosting service has been changed to min.us
- Fixed : Save dialog problem
- Fixed : Image tab control scroll bugs
- Language updates
3.0.1 (February 23, 2011)
- Fixed : [Full-screen capture] hot key bug
- Fixed : Region capture bug
- Fixed : window control capture bugs on a dual screen environment.
- Fixed : Twitter image uploader language bug
- Language updates
3.0.0 (February 19, 2011)
- Added:
- Unicode Support
- Improved Image Editor (menu, ribbon interface, status bar and etc...)
- Shape objects (Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, Curved line, Arrow, Polygon, Star and etc )
- Improved Text Tool
- Improved Effect window
- [Don't Save All] button when close images
- Capture Bar
- Windows 7 Jump Lists
- Fixed:
- Canvas ruler bugs in Image Editor
- Color history is now saved
- Capture window control bug on Windows 7
- Capture scroll window bug
- Color Palette input box bugs
- Remember a paper type when printing
- hot key setting has been changed
- Small known bugs were fixed
2.3.8 (January 16, 2011)
- Fixed : Selection tool bugs were fixed
- Fixed : Access violation after change Hotkeys
- Languages updates
2.3.7 (November 20, 2010)
- 'Cannot access directory' bug have been fixed.
- Languages updates
2.3.6 (November 8, 2010)
- Added : Swedish Language
- Fixed : temporary file compatibility on Windows Vista / 7
- Fixed : Send to External Program Error on Vista / 7
- Fixed : Send to Outlook Program Error on Vista / 7
2.3.5 (October 12, 2010)
- Added : Resolution Presets in Canvas resize window
- Added : Resolution Presets in Image resize window
- Fixed : Auto-Scroll capture bugs
- Fixed : Thumbnail View bug in Image Editor
2.3.4 (September 14, 2010)
- Updated several languages for latest version
- Fixed : 'Upload to web' function bug
- Fixed : Shortcut bug in image editor
2.3.3 (July 30, 2010)
- Added : Capture Output Type - Upload to Web (Upload your image directly to the Web via ImageShack!)
- Added : Changed program option dialog
- Updated several languages for latest version
2.3.2 (July 14, 2010)
- Added : Remember a previous location of Magnifier
- Fixed : FTP File Upload problem
- Fixed : 'Capture Region' flickering problem
2.3.1 (July 3, 2010)
- Updated several languages for latest version
- Fixed : Access violation when switching dual screen
- Fixed : Tray icon display bug
- Fixed : Thumbnail view bug in Image Editor
2.3.0 (June 3, 2010)
- End User License Agreement has been changed.
- Added : Capture Scrolling Window
- Added : Thumbnail View in Image Editor
- Fixed : Image Editor Display bug on Windows 7
- Fixed : 'Open editor when program starts' function bug
- Fixed : Default save file name problem
- Fixed : Some shortcut keys have been changed
- Small known bugs were fixed
2.2.9 (May 11, 2010)
- Added : Rename function in Image editor (F2)
- Added : Remember a previous location of Pixel Ruler
- Updated several languages for latest version
2.2.8 (April 24, 2010)
- Updated : Improved Color palette
- Fixed: Scroll capture bug on certain systems
- Fixed: Option window display bug
- Fixed: Access violation bug when starts
2.2.7 (April 14, 2010)
- Added : Custom DPI setting in Pixel Ruler
- Fixed : Screen Mignifier drawing problem
- Fixed : Selection flip effect bug in Image editor
2.2.6 (April 5, 2010)
- Added Slovak, Slovenian language
- Fixed: Firefox 3.6 Auto-scroll problem
- Fixed: Scroll Capture bug on Windows Vista/7
- Fixed: Control Capture bug on Windows Vista/7
- Fixed: Desktop shortcut creating problem
2.2.5 (March 28, 2010)
- Fixed: Auto-Save is now available when output is selcted as Image Editor.
- Fixed: Remember a previous version of language settings
- Fixed: Vertical Pixel Ruler drawing problem
- Some old version language files are excluded in a default package.
2.2.4 (March 21, 2010)
- Updated: More functional Pixel Ruler
- Unit (Pixel, Centimeters, Inches)
- Color (Default, Blue, White, Black)
- DPI (72, 96, 120, 300)
- Fixed: select area tool bugs in classic image editor
2.2.3 (March 7, 2010)
- Updated : Several languages
- Fixed: Save Dialog Problem on Windows 7
- Fixed: Access violation bugs on Windows 7
2.2.2 (February 21, 2010)
- Updated several languages for latest version
- Added Printer Output Type
- Save Printer option
- Fixed upload problem to Facebook
- Small known bugs were fixed
2.2.1 (February 8, 2010)
- Updated several languages
- Fixed Color Palette bugs in an image editor
- Fixed upload problem to Twitter
2.2.0 (January 13, 2010)
- Added Facebook Connect (Beta)
- Added Twitter Connect (Beta)
- Added E-mail(Microsoft Outlook) Output
- Added Google Chrome Autoscroll capture
- Added, Catalan, Persian languages
- Updated Portuguese, Japanese, German languages
- Fixed /cc parameter bug
- Small known bugs were fixed
2.1.5 (December 5, 2009)
- Added Norwegian language
- Fixed: Whiteboard Bugs
- Fixed: Installer problem when auto-updating
2.1.4 (November 16, 2009)
- Added Spanish (LatinAmerica) language
- Fixed : Potable version ini problem
2.1.3 (November 8, 2009)
- Added Classic design view (Classic Menu and Toolbar)
- Updated Serveral Languages
- Added Uninstaller in Control Panel
- Fixed: Windows Vista, windows 7 execution problems
- Fixed: Trayicon menu bugs
- Fixed: Ribbon Start menu showing bugs on Dual monitors
- Small known bugs were fixed
2.1.2 (September 20, 2009)
- Fixed: Program shortcut key bugs
- Fixed: Ribbon Start menu drawing problem
- Fixed: Changing windows Menu fade-effect problem
2.1.1 (September 12, 2009)
- Updated Several Languages
- Fixed: Ribbon Interface Bug
- Fixed: Whiteboard Bugs
2.1 (2009-09-05)
- Fully Supported on Windows 7
- New PicPick Editor
- it has a Ribbon Interface like Windows 7 Paint
- Added a pixel-ruler in an image window
- Fixed: Added default file name in Save dialog
- Fixed: 'Check for program update' bugs
- Fixed: 'Capture Fixed Rectangle' Bug
- Many known bugs were fixed.
2.0.3 (2009-07-29)
- Added an Arabic language
- Improved Selection Undo
- Added option "show magnifier" in Ruler
- Fixed: Remember a drawing states
- Fixed: invalid type value in a color picker
- Fixed: Access violation when select a language
- Fixed: program parameter problem "/cf"
- Fixed: 'Capture Freehand' problem
- Fixed: 'Input Text' drawing bugs
2.0.2 (2009-07-23)
- Updated serveral language
- Improved Color Picker, Color Palette
- Fixed 'Capture Region' problem
- Fixed Output : Save to Image File bugs
- Fixed Access violation after change Hotkeys
2.0.1 (2009-07-16)
- Update several languages
- Improved Color palette
- Fixed a bug that closing a color dialog in whiteboard
- Fixed displaying incrrect traymenu in some language
- Fixed a color picker problem
2.0 (2009-07-11)
- New Editor, New Design
- Added output type, "Send to external program" (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, MSPaint ...)
- Added output type, "Upload to FTP Server"
- Improved program setting (Capture, FileName, AutoSave, Editor, FTP, Hotkeys...)
- Improved capture tool
- Improved color picker, cross-hair
- Many known bugs were fixed. (2009-06-02)
- Added "Frame" effect in image editor (Border, frame, shadow and etc..)
- Fixed a saving the incorrect value in image editor
- Fixed a hotkey bug for magnifier
- Some known small bugs were fixed (2009-05-18)
- Added Romanian language
- Updated serveral languages
- Improved ruler tool
- Fixed a protractor problem
- Fixed a magnifier tool bug in image editor (2009-05-11)
- Added Magnifier tool
- Updated serveral languages
- Save some values in image editor
- Bug fix : modify drawing rounded rectangle in whiteboard (2009-04-21)
- Added Bulgarian language
- Updated serveral languages
- Remember last color in Image editor
- Added default color, swap button in Image editor
- Bug fix : Resolved a pen color problem in whiteboard (2009-04-14)
- Added Danish, Polish language
- Updated serveral languages
- Improved Whiteboard (pen, line, arrow, shape ... )
- Bug fix : Fixed Output-save to image option bug
- Bug fix : Fixed Repeat last capture error
- Bug fix : Fixed control capture bugs on dual monitors (2009-03-18)
- Added Hungarian language
- Updated serveral languages
- Bug fix : Tray menu was not enough space to display some languages
- Bug fix : Fixed Output-save to image option bug
- Bug fix : Include mouse cursor in "Capture Region", "Capture Window Control" (2009-03-02)
- Added Czech language
- Added Capture magnifier option
- Updated serveral languages (2009-02-11)
- Added Swedish language
- Added "Check for program updates"
- BugFix : "dwm.exe" problem under Vista
- BugFix : UAC problem under Vista
- And some known small bugs were fixed (2008-11-13)
- Added Russian language
- Added Turkish language
- Updated Capture module (Region, Fixed Region Capture)
- Keyboard arrow keys can move an area when capturing
- Bug fix : Capturing a window ignores the transparency under Windows Vista.
- Bug fix : Resolved serveral problems under Windows Vista
- Bug fix : Magnifier doesn't move correctly on a second monitor.
- Bug fix : Freehand capture can't run on a second monitor (2008-11-03)
- Added Italian language
- BugFix : Problem when paste the clipboard from MSPaint
- BugFix : Not saving sound effect option
- Remember size of window a picpick.ini file not registry.
1.8.0 (2008-10-18)
- Save program setting to a ini file (for Portable Ware)
- Changable language files (if you find incorrect word, please report me through the website)
- Added Traditional chinese and Simplified chinese language
- Added French language
- Improved control capture (Enable auto-scroll capture)
- 'Capture Webpage' is deleted, but you can continue to capture using 'Capture Window Control'
- Improved Image Editor (Drawing Arrow, Magnifier and etc.)
- Simple image printing (but, it's very powerful)
- And Many known small bugs were fixed.
1.7.2 (2007-08-11)
- Added Japanese, Portuguese and German Language
- Selection tool can scroll any images
- Remember editor window size when program exits
- Ruler's type can be changed by pressing the spacebar
- Added Canceling the capture when clicking the mouse right button (2007-03-30)
- Added Spanish Language
- Disable internet connection for counting users when program starts
1.7.0 (2007-03-13)
- Added Multi languages (Korean, English)
- Added Repeat last capture
- Improved webpage capture
- Improved support for dual monitors
- All known bugs were resolved in Image Editor
- Fixed Access Violation bug when capturing
- Changed some windows to system modal
- Enabled Pixel Ruler transparency when use mouse wheel