전체 변경 사항
7.3.4 (2025-03-03)
Fixed an issue where the landing page was displayed after capturing.
Fixed an issue where the window title was broken.
7.3.3 (2025-03-01)
Fixed an issue where the multi window shows misaligned or partially rendered.
7.3.2 (2025-02-27)
Fixed an issue where the program occasionally became unresponsive.
Updated full-screen recording to exclude the recording toolbar from the captured video.
Improved the New menu to retain user-defined colors.
Fixed an issue in the Save All where only unsaved images are now properly saved.
Other minor bug fixes
7.3.1 (2025-02-04)
Fixed a bug where the program did not start on a specific computer.
7.3.0 (2025-02-03)
Improved screen recorder stability.
Optimized PicPick editor for faster loading time.
Fixed a bug where the printer settings failed to load when no paper sources were available.
7.2.9 (2024-11-08)
Improved screen recorder compatibility.
Fixed an issue where sharing image URLs was not functioning properly.
7.2.8 (2024-02-23)
Fixed an issue where sharing image URLs was not functioning properly.
7.2.7 (2024-02-13)
Minor bugs are fixed.
7.2.6 (2024-02-09)
Fixed a bug where the countdown displays a negative value when the capture key was pressed repeatedly.
Fixed a bug where the capture size would be slightly off when adjusted with the mouse in the fixed region capture mode.
7.2.5 (2023-11-14)
Fixed a bug where printer source and color settings were not being set as default printer settings.
Fixed several bugs related to fixed region capture.
Fixed a bug that caused the scroll bar position to reset when changing the canvas size.
Added missing Fullscreen button on the View tab.
7.2.3 (2023-10-04)
Fixed an issue where the capture area didn't cover the entire screens on the multiple monitor environment.
Fixed an issue where some of the key tips were missing on the image editor.
Fixed an issue where the border on fixed region capture was hidden when arrow keys were pressed.
7.2.2 (2023-08-02)
Fixed an issue of default file format when saving an image
Improved a performance of fixed region capture
Fixed an issue of displaying a recording limit popup
Print Preview displays a whole page by default
Support Per-Monitor (V2) DPI Awareness
Added Window Capture button on the Capture Toolbar
Added an option to disable recent opened images
7.2.0 (2023-06-03)
Added Window Capture
Screen Recorder can now record multiple audio inputs
Added Customize option of Quick Access Toolbar
Enhanced printing feature
Improved printing and preview result quality
Added image scaling options
Improved header/footer and margin settings
Enhanced PDF export
Added a feature to restore all settings to default
Fixed an issue of failing auto-save after reaching the maximum limit
Fixed an issue of file name converting to ignore case when opening an image
Fixed multiple files not opening on the image editor
added a new keyboard shortcut for save as (Ctrl + Shift + S)
added keyboard shortcuts in Whiteboard
7.1.0 (2023-02-24)
Improved opening an image from a URL
Added a color picker on More Colors window
Fixed a white outline issue when adding text on the arrow or line
Fixed an issue where the text tool cannot select a specific size
Allow license activation without admin privileges
Added Ctrl+F1 shortcut key to minimize the Ribbon
Use a secure connection when checking or downloading the software update
7.0.2 (2022-12-23)
Fix an issue where the shape outline style option was not displayed
Fix a text rendering bug on the line and arrow.
Fix an issue where the Ctrl+T shortcut does not work in the image editor
7.0.1 (2022-11-21)
Added an option to display shape gallery in the Ribbon by default
Improved icons in Quick Access Toolbar
Fixed the selection tool doesn't scroll when dragging a large area.
Fixed an issue when closing a Screen Recorder while recording.
Other minor bug fixes
7.0.0 (2022-11-14)
Improved Screen Capture Interface
Added Time Delay Options (3, 5, 10 seconds)
Added an option to darken outside of the selection
Added an option to display grid lines on the magnifier
Improved fixed rectangle capture
Improved scrolling window capture
Improved capture options menu
Support better per-monitor DPI awareness mode
Added Screen Recorder menu on the screen capture mode
Fixed a freezing issue while capturing
Added Open Recent Files / Folders menu on the main screen
Added Show Widget button on the main screen
Added Select Size menu on Screen Recorder
Improved program loading performance
Fixed FTP connection issues
Fixed an issue when clicking a icon on Notification Area
6.3.2 (2022-10-15)
Improved loading performance
Language Updates
6.3.1 (2022-08-10)
Hotfix: Fixed an issue of taskbar on Windows 7.
6.3.0 (2022-08-08)
Support multiple desktop on Windows 10, 11
Added Start/Stop hotkey on Screen Recorder
Improved watermark effects
Improved frame effects
Improved Whiteboard
Fixed an issue of "Flatten All" menu
Fixed an issue where the "Repeat Capture" was not working as expected.
Fixed the Color Palette beeps on close
Language updates
6.2.1 (2022-06-27)
Hotfix: Fixed unicode/multibyte error message when starting a screen recorder
6.2.0 (2022-06-24)
Added Screen Recorder
Record your desktop screen
Support saving as MP4 or animated GIF
Support recording fullscreen or region
Add microphone or system sound while recording
Support adjusting video and audio quality
Improved calculating scrolling size
Fixed the program options are reset when changing the menu
6.1.2 (2022-05-16)
Improved capturing a scrolling window
Fixed auto-save process time takes longer under certain circumstances
Fixed a taskbar icon not being hidden on capture mode
Fixed an issue when pasting an image on the image editor
Fixed magnifier being disappeared after changing the fixed region size
Language Updates
6.1.1 (2022-04-14)
Hotfix: Fixed hotkeys don't work on Windows startup
6.1.0 (2022-04-12)
Support new image file formats (webp, heic, and etc...)
Improved a performance of loading Program Options
Improved handling of a transparent fill color on shapes
Improved saving an image as PDF
Fixed an issue of program is not started after installation
Fixed a clicking issue of notification area
Fixed auto-save filename issues
Improved software installation process
Small known bugs were fixed.
6.0.0 (2022-03-08)
Rebuilt UI with completely redesigned look and feel.
Support Dark Mode
Improved loading performance
Fixed UI issues on high-DPI devices
Improved Image Editor
Improved Cloud sharing features
Improved FTP upload feature
Improved Widget
Improved Whiteboard
Small known bugs were fixed.
5.2.1 (2022-01-06)
Fixed UI glitches on high-DPI devices
Added more key tips on the main menu
Language updates
5.2.0 (2021-11-19)
Better support for high-DPI devices
Language updates
5.1.9 (2021-10-13)
Fixed a capturing issue on Windows 11
Added macOS hotkeys
Language updates
5.1.8 (2021-09-07)
Fixed a capturing issue on Windows 11
Language updates
5.1.7 (2021-07-25)
Fixed file name is invalid message
Removed a signature on email output for pro version
Language updates
5.1.6 (2021-06-04)
Fixed capturing issue on the windows 10
Language updates
5.1.5 (2021-03-31)
Fixed software security vulnerability
Language updates
5.1.4 (2021-01-18)
Fixed occasional freezing on Windows 10
Language updates
5.1.3 (2020-11-16)
Fix scroll capture issues on Chrome and Edge
Language updates
5.1.2 (2020-09-23)
Fix an issue on high-DPI devices
Language updates
5.1.1 (2020-06-10)
Fix an issue on multi monitor environment.
Fix the update window is not closed on program start
5.1.0 (2020-06-09)
Better support for high-DPI devices
Fix the magnifier is too small on specific devices
5.0.7 (2019-11-18)
Fixed capturing issue on the windows 10
5.0.6 (2019-07-30)
Fixed an issue that application menu is disabled
Added Close All on the tab popup menu
5.0.5 (2019-07-25)
Improved editor performance
Added more key tips on the main menu
Language updates
Other minor bug fixes
5.0.4 (2019-04-05)
Fixed capturing issue on the windows 10
Fixed keytip confliction
Language updates
Other minor bug fixes
5.0.3 (2018-11-13)
Added more icons on Quick Access Toolbar
Fixed occasional access violation error
Language updates
Other minor bug fixes
5.0.2 (2018-07-30)
Fixed occasional keyboard issue when capturing
Fixed Number Stamp bug
Fixed DPI text error on ruler
Language updates
Other minor bug fixes
5.0.1 (2018-07-09)
Added Widget Lock feature
Fixed Magnifier Cursor bug
Back to main after printing
Fixed an issue of copy and paste shape between tabs
Language updates
Other minor bug fixes
5.0.0 (2018-06-25)
Rebuilt Application with completely re-designed look.
Support high-DPI devices (including 4K).
Support DPI per monitor on Windows 10.
Improved Image Editor.
Added Capture Toolbar.
Support Theme Colors across the image editor and color palette.
Small known bugs were fixed.
4.2.8 (2017-11-18)
Fixed freezing on Windows 7 classic theme
Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.7 (2017-10-23)
Fixed capturing issue on the latest windows 10 update (1709)
Added Norwegian language
4.2.6 (2017-08-17)
Fixed an issue of creating multiple color picker window
Fixed shortcut issue
Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.5 (2017-06-20)
Improved Font Feature
Improved fixed rectangle capture
Fixed an issue of saving wordwrap setting
Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.4 (2017-04-06)
Added Zoom shortcut (numpad)
Fixed imgur uploading issue with accounts
Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.3 (2017-02-15)
Fixed keytip confliction
Fixed printer setting issue
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.2 (2016-12-08)
Improved Text Tool
Fixed ‘&’ character drawing issue
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.1 (2016-09-30)
Added Auto flatten shapes
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.2.0 (2016-08-26)
Auto update (pro edition only)
Improved program stability
Fixed an issue of Whiteboard
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.6 (2016-08-09)
Updated canvas presets
Fixed a bug of selection tool
Fixed a bug of Printer Options
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.5 (2016-06-24)
Fixed an issue of ‘flatten all’
Fixed an issue of adding text
Fixed an issue of cursor visibility
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.4 (2016-05-20)
Added Japanese language
Fixed an issue on Japanese windows
Fixed an issue of bugs on dual environment.
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.3 (2016-04-08)
Fixed an error of Imgur upload
Fixed an issue of scrolling capture
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.2 (2016-03-08)
Support Imgur upload
Fixed an issue of color palette
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.1.1 (2016-01-19)
Fixed an issue of invalid certification
4.1.0 (2016-01-19)
Fixed an issue of Google Drive and Twitter
Improved Stability on WIndows 10
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.9 (2015-12-17)
Improved cloud uploader
Fixed an issue of uploading to facebook
Fixed an issue of auto update
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.8 (2015-10-17)
Improved copying and pasting of shapes
Fixed cursor issues of image editor
Fixed hint issues of Image editor
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.7 (2015-08-26)
Enhanced supporting Windows 10
Fixed Whiteboard shape issues.
Fixed an issue of auto-saving to dropbox folder
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.6 (2015-06-19)
Fixed Color Palette bugs on Windows 8
Fixed pixelate preview bugs
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.5 (2015-04-27)
Fixed an issue when inserting an image to MSWord
Fixed an issue of shape properties
Fixed an issue of HSB color
Added large Text Box button to ribbon
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.4 (2015-03-05)
Fixed an issue of auto-frame setting
Fixed Color Palette bugs
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.3 (2015-01-21)
Fixed an issue of auto-frame
Fixed an issue of auto-watermark
Fixed an issue of auto-save
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
4.0.2 (2014-12-18)
Added Azerbaijan language
Fixed an issue of high dpi monitor
Minor bugs are fixed
4.0.1 (2014-11-15)
Added Share Tab
Added an option to exit when closing Image Editor
Added Open File Location in tab menu
Added default program mode
Added Triangle Shape
Improved Widget (Capture Bar)
Fixed an issue of color palette on Windows 8.1
Fixed an issue of repeat last capture
Fixed mouse cursor issues
Fixed an issue of box.com connection
4.0.0 (2014-10-25)
No bundle offer in the free version
Improved Ribbon Interface
Improved Selection Tool
Improved Text Tool
Added Stamps
Added Magnify Effect
Added Color Replacement Fill
Improved Capture Bar
Improved Color Palette
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.4.1 (2014-08-26)
No bundle offer in the free version
Fixed an issue of dpi virtualization on windows 8.1
Fixed an issue of default shortcut on German Windows
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.4.0 (2014-08-02)
New interface with new style of Ribbon
Improved DPI Awareness
Improved Quick Access Toolbar
Improved Windows 8 compatibility
Added an option to customize ribbon menu
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.4 (2014-06-27)
Added an option to change color code to lowercase
Fixed an issue of memory leak while capturing
Fixed an issue of whiteboard color selector
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.3 (2014-05-03)
Fixed an issue of uploading dropbox
Fixed an issue of whiteboard
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.2 (2014-03-22)
Fixed an issue of twitter upload
Added clipboard shortcuts (Shift+Del, Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ins)
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.1 (2014-02-15)
Improved Scrolling capture
Improved Whiteboard
Fixed an issue of google chrome scrolling capture
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.3.0 (2014-01-16)
New Feature : Sharing Cloud Storage Service
Added Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box Connect
Improved Facebook Album Connect
Fixed an issue of drawing shapes
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.9 (2013-12-09)
Fixed an issue of Facebook Connect
Fixed an issue of Send to Skype
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.8 (2013-10-07)
Added Facebook Connect
Added Watermark sample images
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.7 (2013-08-28)
Added Watermark (image logo) feature
Fixed an issue of image editor on Windows XP
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.6 (2013-06-22)
Added Vietnamese language
Improved PNG file load
Fixed an issue of drawing scrollbars in image editor
Fixed an issue of undo rotation, flip
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.5 (2013-05-20)
Fixed an issue of Save All
Fixed an issue of Windows 8 compatibility
Fixed an issue of Send to Skype
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.4 (2013-04-06)
Added Output “Send to Skype”
Fixed an issue of Ruler location on dual environment.
Fixed an issue of Capture Bar location
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.3 (2013-03-04)
Fixed an issue of preset of highlight rectangles.
Fixed an issue of ribbon interface design
Fixed an issue of message “Invalid Pointer Operation”
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.2 (2013-01-25)
Added preset of highlight rectangles.
Added Thai language
Fixed an issue of displaying icons
Fixed an issue of file type associations
Fixed an issue of redo
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.1 (2012-12-26)
Added Highlight Pen and Rectangle in image editor
Fixed an issue of file naming “(2)”
Fixed an issue of auto-save function.
Fixed an issue of scroll-bar size in Image Editor
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.2.0 (2012-11-26)
The faster the lighter on your computer.
New interface : the latest style of ribbon interface
Added DPI Awareness (Support 125%, 150% and more)
Improved Windows 8 compatibility
Improved Tab-interface in image editor
Improved Screen Pixel Ruler
Improved Screen Protractor
Improved Auto-save function
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.9 (October 15, 2012)
Fixed an issue of inserting texts in Image editor
Fixed an issue of scroll capture
Fixed an issue of captured window
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.8 (September 10, 2012)
Support imgur upload
Fixed an issue of displaying taskbar icons
Added Portuguese (Portugal)
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.7 (August 7, 2012)
Improved Region Capture
Fixed an issue of ribbon interface bug.
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.6 (June 22, 2012)
Fixed an issue of bugs on dual environment.
Added Bosnian Language
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.5 (May 19, 2012)
Added an option of copying a selection using Ctrl in Image Editor
Added an undo option when automatically apply frames
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.4 (April 21, 2012)
Added Start Page in Image editor
Fixed an issue of connecting Twitter
Fixed thumbnail bugs
Fixed an issue of unexpected flashing on taskbar
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.3 (March 23, 2012)
Support Windows Pen and Touch (BETA)
Added Hebrew language
Fixed Ruler toggle problem
Fixed Ctrl+Tab problems in Image editor
Added wheel click action in Image editor
3.1.2 (February 11, 2012)
Added %u, %w in File-name template
Fixed Active Window Capture bug on Windows Vista/7
Fixed specific window capture bug on Windows Vista/7
Default hotkeys have been changed
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.1 (January 23, 2012)
Fixed Color Balance gaugebar bugs
Fixed Capture scroll window bug
Does not support min.us anymore
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.1.0 (December 16, 2011)
Added : Color Balance Function
Fixed Color Palette bugs in an image editor
Fixed errors after changing FTP settings
Language updates
Minor bugs are fixed
3.0.9 (November 1, 2011)
Language updates
Fixed : Image rotation bugs
Fixed : Invalid selection area message
Minor bugs are fixed
3.0.8 (September 24, 2011)
Added : Lithuanian language
Added : Greek language
Added : Slovak language
Fixed : Save All display bugs
Fixed : System tray problems
Fixed : Min.us connection problems
Fixed : Save button action problems
Minor bugs are fixed
3.0.7 (August 24, 2011)
Added: Save All opened images into a folder
Added: Croatian language
Fixed: JPEG Quality configuration bugs
Fixed: Auto Save bug
Language updates
3.0.6 (July 25, 2011)
Added : JPEG Quality Configuration
Added : Indonesian language
Fixed : Capture Window bugs
Fixed : Drawing Line, Arrow bugs
Fixed : Add Frame bugs
Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.5 (June 29, 2011)
Added : Show Capture Bar when Program Starts
Fixed : [Save Selection As] Bug
Fixed : Capture Delay bug
Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.4 (May 6, 2011)
Improved Fixed Region Capture
Fixed : Invalid Pointer Operation Bug
Fixed : Print Preview bugs
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.3 (April 9, 2011)
Improved Windows Control Capture
Added Delay before capture
Improved Upload to Web function
Fixed : Print Preview bugs
Language updates
Small known bugs were fixed
3.0.2 (March 11, 2011)
Supports PSD, PCX, PDF and many other image formats.
Improved image resizing quality
Fixed : Image hosting service has been changed to min.us
Fixed : Save dialog problem
Fixed : Image tab control scroll bugs
Language updates
3.0.1 (February 23, 2011)
Fixed : [Full-screen capture] hot key bug
Fixed : Region capture bug
Fixed : window control capture bugs on a dual screen environment.
Fixed : Twitter image uploader language bug
Language updates
3.0.0 (February 19, 2011)
Unicode Support
Improved Image Editor (menu, ribbon interface, status bar and etc...)
Shape objects (Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, Curved line, Arrow, Polygon, Star and etc )
Improved Text Tool
Improved Effect window
[Don't Save All] button when close images
Capture Bar
Windows 7 Jump Lists
Canvas ruler bugs in Image Editor
Color history is now saved
Capture window control bug on Windows 7
Capture scroll window bug
Color Palette input box bugs
Remember a paper type when printing
hot key setting has been changed
Small known bugs were fixed
2.3.8 (January 16, 2011)
Fixed : Selection tool bugs were fixed
Fixed : Access violation after change Hotkeys
Languages updates
2.3.7 (November 20, 2010)
'Cannot access directory' bug have been fixed.
Languages updates
2.3.6 (November 8, 2010)
Added : Swedish Language
Fixed : temporary file compatibility on Windows Vista / 7
Fixed : Send to External Program Error on Vista / 7
Fixed : Send to Outlook Program Error on Vista / 7
2.3.5 (October 12, 2010)
Added : Resolution Presets in Canvas resize window
Added : Resolution Presets in Image resize window
Fixed : Auto-Scroll capture bugs
Fixed : Thumbnail View bug in Image Editor
2.3.4 (September 14, 2010)
Updated several languages for latest version
Fixed : 'Upload to web' function bug
Fixed : Shortcut bug in image editor
2.3.3 (July 30, 2010)
Added : Capture Output Type - Upload to Web (Upload your image directly to the Web via ImageShack!)
Added : Changed program option dialog
Updated several languages for latest version
2.3.2 (July 14, 2010)
Added : Remember a previous location of Magnifier
Fixed : FTP File Upload problem
Fixed : 'Capture Region' flickering problem
2.3.1 (July 3, 2010)
Updated several languages for latest version
Fixed : Access violation when switching dual screen
Fixed : Tray icon display bug
Fixed : Thumbnail view bug in Image Editor
2.3.0 (June 3, 2010)
End User License Agreement has been changed.
Added : Capture Scrolling Window
Added : Thumbnail View in Image Editor
Fixed : Image Editor Display bug on Windows 7
Fixed : 'Open editor when program starts' function bug
Fixed : Default save file name problem
Fixed : Some shortcut keys have been changed
Small known bugs were fixed
2.2.9 (May 11, 2010)
Added : Rename function in Image editor (F2)
Added : Remember a previous location of Pixel Ruler
Updated several languages for latest version
2.2.8 (April 24, 2010)
Updated : Improved Color palette
Fixed: Scroll capture bug on certain systems
Fixed: Option window display bug
Fixed: Access violation bug when starts
2.2.7 (April 14, 2010)
Added : Custom DPI setting in Pixel Ruler
Fixed : Screen Mignifier drawing problem
Fixed : Selection flip effect bug in Image editor
2.2.6 (April 5, 2010)
Added Slovak, Slovenian language
Fixed: Firefox 3.6 Auto-scroll problem
Fixed: Scroll Capture bug on Windows Vista/7
Fixed: Control Capture bug on Windows Vista/7
Fixed: Desktop shortcut creating problem
2.2.5 (March 28, 2010)
Fixed: Auto-Save is now available when output is selcted as Image Editor.
Fixed: Remember a previous version of language settings
Fixed: Vertical Pixel Ruler drawing problem
Some old version language files are excluded in a default package.
2.2.4 (March 21, 2010)
Updated: More functional Pixel Ruler
Unit (Pixel, Centimeters, Inches)
Color (Default, Blue, White, Black)
DPI (72, 96, 120, 300)
Fixed: select area tool bugs in classic image editor
2.2.3 (March 7, 2010)
Updated : Several languages
Fixed: Save Dialog Problem on Windows 7
Fixed: Access violation bugs on Windows 7
2.2.2 (February 21, 2010)
Updated several languages for latest version
Added Printer Output Type
Save Printer option
Fixed upload problem to Facebook
Small known bugs were fixed
2.2.1 (February 8, 2010)
Updated several languages
Fixed Color Palette bugs in an image editor
Fixed upload problem to Twitter
2.2.0 (January 13, 2010)
Added Facebook Connect (Beta)
Added Twitter Connect (Beta)
Added E-mail(Microsoft Outlook) Output
Added Google Chrome Autoscroll capture
Added, Catalan, Persian languages
Updated Portuguese, Japanese, German languages
Fixed /cc parameter bug
Small known bugs were fixed
2.1.5 (December 5, 2009)
Added Norwegian language
Fixed: Whiteboard Bugs
Fixed: Installer problem when auto-updating
2.1.4 (November 16, 2009)
Added Spanish (LatinAmerica) language
Fixed : Potable version ini problem
2.1.3 (November 8, 2009)
Added Classic design view (Classic Menu and Toolbar)
Updated Serveral Languages
Added Uninstaller in Control Panel
Fixed: Windows Vista, windows 7 execution problems
Fixed: Trayicon menu bugs
Fixed: Ribbon Start menu showing bugs on Dual monitors
Small known bugs were fixed
2.1.2 (September 20, 2009)
Fixed: Program shortcut key bugs
Fixed: Ribbon Start menu drawing problem
Fixed: Changing windows Menu fade-effect problem
2.1.1 (September 12, 2009)
Updated Several Languages
Fixed: Ribbon Interface Bug
Fixed: Whiteboard Bugs
2.1 (2009-09-05)
Fully Supported on Windows 7
New PicPick Editor
it has a Ribbon Interface like Windows 7 Paint
Added a pixel-ruler in an image window
Fixed: Added default file name in Save dialog
Fixed: 'Check for program update' bugs
Fixed: 'Capture Fixed Rectangle' Bug
Many known bugs were fixed.
2.0.3 (2009-07-29)
Added an Arabic language
Improved Selection Undo
Added option "show magnifier" in Ruler
Fixed: Remember a drawing states
Fixed: invalid type value in a color picker
Fixed: Access violation when select a language
Fixed: program parameter problem "/cf"
Fixed: 'Capture Freehand' problem
Fixed: 'Input Text' drawing bugs
2.0.2 (2009-07-23)
Updated serveral language
Improved Color Picker, Color Palette
Fixed 'Capture Region' problem
Fixed Output : Save to Image File bugs
Fixed Access violation after change Hotkeys
2.0.1 (2009-07-16)
Update several languages
Improved Color palette
Fixed a bug that closing a color dialog in whiteboard
Fixed displaying incrrect traymenu in some language
Fixed a color picker problem
2.0 (2009-07-11)
New Editor, New Design
Added output type, "Send to external program" (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, MSPaint ...)
Added output type, "Upload to FTP Server"
Improved program setting (Capture, FileName, AutoSave, Editor, FTP, Hotkeys...)
Improved capture tool
Improved color picker, cross-hair
Many known bugs were fixed. (2009-06-02)
Added "Frame" effect in image editor (Border, frame, shadow and etc..)
Fixed a saving the incorrect value in image editor
Fixed a hotkey bug for magnifier
Some known small bugs were fixed (2009-05-18)
Added Romanian language
Updated serveral languages
Improved ruler tool
Fixed a protractor problem
Fixed a magnifier tool bug in image editor (2009-05-11)
Added Magnifier tool
Updated serveral languages
Save some values in image editor
Bug fix : modify drawing rounded rectangle in whiteboard (2009-04-21)
Added Bulgarian language
Updated serveral languages
Remember last color in Image editor
Added default color, swap button in Image editor
Bug fix : Resolved a pen color problem in whiteboard (2009-04-14)
Added Danish, Polish language
Updated serveral languages
Improved Whiteboard (pen, line, arrow, shape ... )
Bug fix : Fixed Output-save to image option bug
Bug fix : Fixed Repeat last capture error
Bug fix : Fixed control capture bugs on dual monitors (2009-03-18)
Added Hungarian language
Updated serveral languages
Bug fix : Tray menu was not enough space to display some languages
Bug fix : Fixed Output-save to image option bug
Bug fix : Include mouse cursor in "Capture Region", "Capture Window Control" (2009-03-02)
Added Czech language
Added Capture magnifier option
Updated serveral languages (2009-02-11)
Added Swedish language
Added "Check for program updates"
BugFix : "dwm.exe" problem under Vista
BugFix : UAC problem under Vista
And some known small bugs were fixed (2008-11-13)
Added Russian language
Added Turkish language
Updated Capture module (Region, Fixed Region Capture)
Keyboard arrow keys can move an area when capturing
Bug fix : Capturing a window ignores the transparency under Windows Vista.
Bug fix : Resolved serveral problems under Windows Vista
Bug fix : Magnifier doesn't move correctly on a second monitor.
Bug fix : Freehand capture can't run on a second monitor (2008-11-03)
Added Italian language
BugFix : Problem when paste the clipboard from MSPaint
BugFix : Not saving sound effect option
Remember size of window a picpick.ini file not registry.
1.8.0 (2008-10-18)
Save program setting to a ini file (for Portable Ware)
Changable language files (if you find incorrect word, please report me through the website)
Added Traditional chinese and Simplified chinese language
Added French language
Improved control capture (Enable auto-scroll capture)
'Capture Webpage' is deleted, but you can continue to capture using 'Capture Window Control'
Improved Image Editor (Drawing Arrow, Magnifier and etc.)
Simple image printing (but, it's very powerful)
And Many known small bugs were fixed.
1.7.2 (2007-08-11)
Added Japanese, Portuguese and German Language
Selection tool can scroll any images
Remember editor window size when program exits
Ruler's type can be changed by pressing the spacebar
Added Canceling the capture when clicking the mouse right button (2007-03-30)
Added Spanish Language
Disable internet connection for counting users when program starts
1.7.0 (2007-03-13)
Added Multi languages (Korean, English)
Added Repeat last capture
Improved webpage capture
Improved support for dual monitors
All known bugs were resolved in Image Editor
Fixed Access Violation bug when capturing
Changed some windows to system modal
Enabled Pixel Ruler transparency when use mouse wheel
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